EGO NetCast
This site is covering new media news, tips & tricks for podcasters and listeners to Internet radio on demand. Martin Lindeskog - the host of EGO NetCast show - is conducting interviews with artists, authors, business minded individuals, entrepreneurs, philosophers, etc. I am answering your questions on business philosophy, new media, and the good life. Stay tuned!
EGO NetCast is a proud member of the upcoming "umbrella" site, TeaParty.Media.
I am involved in several other podcasts, e.g., as a co-host of the podcast show, a content creator of show notes for podcasts, an editor of podcasts, a host of the podcast, a new media advisor to podcasters, and the producer of the podcast:
1000 Affärsidéer (in Swedish)
Demokratpodden (in Swedish)
Hemberedskap (in Swedish)
Hepatit C (in Swedish)
High Five for Hemp
Hot and Spicy Review
Management Studio (in Swedish)
MenyPodden (in Swedish)
Mikrofonden (in Swedish)
Olikheter (in Swedish and English)
Pen Meets Paper
Penna Möter Papper (in Swedish)
PoddRadio punkt Org (in Swedish)
Presentation (Skills) in Plain English
Presentation (Skills) Q&A
Produktivitéet (in Swedish)
Seven Principles of Human Dignity (season 1 in Swedish)
Tea Party Media
The Perfect Cuppa: Tea Sketches
The Secular Foxhole
TrendPal ["archived"]
Underklädespodden AVIANI (in Swedish)
Utan Skygglappar (in Swedish)
Viktigt på Riktigt (in Swedish)
Read my post, Ask Lyceum Questions on New Media, Biz Philosophy and Good Life, and then sign up for my newsletter, Lyceum Bulletin.