The Backpack for Podcasters

I will start out with saying that I am giving myself the flexibility of the time zone stamp of the recording and publishing of an episode, in order to stay on track. I am located in the Central European Time zone, but I am often working according to the Eastern Standard Time, giving me a buffer of 6 hours. If I want to stretch it, I could include American Samoa into the game, and add 3 more hours to my daily worklife. ;)

I want to make a correction to the previous episode. I mixed up Amy Peikoff’s news sandwich and started out with the bad news, then the good news item, and ending with another bad news. It should be two good news ideas (the bread), and only one bad piece, sandwiching it between the two pieces of ”bread”… 

I am including screen dumps from the recording of this episode, using the new Backpack Studio app. With this app, I will be able to record the solo shows in an easy way. I learned about this app from listening to Libsyn’s official podcast. Back then it was called Boss Jock Studio. I will talk more about this app in future episodes, telling you about my experiences with the new app, features, etc.

Show notes:

Episode 59 (11 minutes) was recorded on January 2, 2019 (American time! ;) ), by podcaster, Martin Lindeskog, with Backpack Studio appIK Multimedia iRig Mic Cast podcasting microphonePreSonus HD7 professional monitoring headphones, and SnapRecorder portable recording booth. Post-production through the podcast maker, Alitu. Notes written in Ulysses app. Bumper and jingle by Jim Jonsson, JTunes Productions.

My 3 Words for 2019

My three words for this year are: 

  • Walk 

  • Talk

  • Gather

I will talk more about my words during the year. You could listen to the 8th episode of Presentation (Skills) in Plain English podcast regarding my process of picking these words. The episode will be published on January 11. For the origin of the meme, read Chris Brogan’s post, My 3 Words for 2019.

Amy Peikoff’s news sandwich segment, and Joakim Jardenberg’s ”One Thing Today” (”En Sak Idag”), have inspired me to start a daily podcast during 2019. My goal is to publish a short solo episode everyday. It could be a quick thought, comment on a news item, etc. Please give me tips on sources for news items, commemorations of historical events, and international holidays.

Call to Action:

Episode 58 (9 minutes) was recorded on January 1, 2019, by podcaster, Martin Lindeskog, with Backpack Studio appIK Multimedia iRig Mic Cast podcasting microphonePreSonus HD7 professional monitoring headphones, and SnapRecorder portable recording booth. Post-production through the podcast maker, Alitu. Notes written in Ulysses app. Bumper and jingle by Jim Jonsson, JTunes Productions. Undersigned drank a mug of Nilgiri black tea from Indiska Thé & Kaffe Magasinet, Gothenburg, Sweden.