Are You Prepared for the Future?

Interviewing Tools

What kind of tools do you use in order to conduct an interview?

This morning I did an interview with Timo Kiander, also known as Productive Superdad. I wanted to talk about the writing process and content of his new book, Online Business Productivity.

I used an app called SkyRecorder, but after the interview I found out that only my voice and questions were recorded. I had used my earphones during the interview, instead of putting on the speaker phone. I told Timo about the mishap and went on Skype, asking a podcasting expert for some tips on recording equipment. First off she told me about a fun Kickstarter project called Recap 2, and then she asked me if I had used Call Recorder for Skype. I had found that tool when I did a Google search in the past and saw that David Garland of The Rise To The Top was featured on Ecamm's site. I tested the "charmingly simple audio recording" app called Piezo when I had a Skype conversation with Larry Genkin Of Eleven Media on September 16. Karin Hogh (PodConsult) told me that she is using Hindenburg Journalist Pro product.

I will publish the completed interview with Timo "Productive Superdad" Kiander in the near future. In the meantime, please watch the video from a post with the fitting title, Everything You Wanted to Know About Podcasting (via Maclandia blog).