Show notes:
00 Intro. Audiobooks on affiliate link for EGO NetCast.
“Pierre DeBois is the founder of Zimana, a small business analytics consultancy that reviews data from Web analytics and social media dashboard solutions for profitability improvements in marketing, Web development, and business operations. Zimana has provided services for small and medium businesses from many industries. Zimana has also provided analytic workshops for groups such as Yceeya Network in New York City, and Blue1647, a business incubator in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.
Pierre holds a mechanical engineering degree from Prairie View A&M and an MBA from Georgia Tech. His background in business and engineering experience include Ford Motor Co. and Lesco, a minority-owed government logistics contractor.
He is a native of Gary, Indiana, serving the Chicago area and beyond.”
Solution Providers for Retail:
- Using Analytics for Careful Remarketing
- Predictive Analytics for Great Retail
- Paid Search Options Spell New Customer Engagement Strategies
CMS Wire:
Pierre DeBois on LinkedIn.
Books mentioned during the podcast:
- Against The Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob by Lee Siegel.
- Startup Mixalogy: Tech Cocktail’s Guide to Building, Growing and Celebrating Startup Success by Frank Gruber.
- Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends by Tim Sanders.
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